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powered by Ready for Female Leadership Foundation

Our Purpose & Mission

The INleadership Foundation is a self-sustaining, volunteer based catalyst, for promoting gender INclusive leadership qualities within organizations and society at large, to create a sustainable and equal future for all.

In this pivotal time, we recognize the world’s pressing need for gender-inclusive leadership qualities to ensure a sustainable future. It’s time for action to move beyond mere discussions and integrate these vital qualities into our workplaces and communities. For far too long, these attributes have been perceived as ‘nice to have’. We firmly believe they are now ‘must-haves’.

Creating a culture of inclusivity is of utmost importance. Every individual should feel psychologically safe to make their contributions count.

Our work includes planning, organizing, and facilitating events from workshops and presentations, to gatherings and coaching that foster dialogue and learning.

Our commitment extends beyond the 7 leadership pillars mentioned in our book ‘Ready for Female Leadership: The Future is NOW‘, as we actively cultivate gender-inclusive leadership qualities within both organizations and society at large.

In addition, we are actively engaged in raising awareness, advancing gender inclusivity and providing actionable solutions to foster inclusive and equitable environments.

Contact us today to discover our ‘Pay it Forward philosophy and how we can help you foster greater gender inclusivity at all organizational levels. Change is essential for all of us in the workplace, be it as individuals, in teams, as leaders, or within organizations.

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